After a pre-study realized in March and April 2016, the cargo handling companies SAMR (containers and RORO) and SOMACOM (containers) of TGC terminal chose MARCO’s module « Invoicing – Control – Yield ». SAMR also signed for the module « TAM Dockers ».
After some customization fo the software to local business rules, configuration and training were done in 3 weeks during the last term of 2016 for a Go live in January 2017.
Module “Invoicing-Control-Yield”
With vessels invoicing to ship-owners and to forwarding agents (Reunion’s port specificity), it is more than 4 500 invoices that were printed and sent by post each month for SAMR. Now they are directly sent by email!
The module allows:
- Centralize and automate customers’ invoicing of terminal activities
- Manage accounts receivable
- Manage costs accruals, control costs and suppliers invoicing
- Enhance operations control (rate per hour, day or shift) and automatic production of detailed reports.
MARCO is a software which helps you taking the best decisions and enhance terminal’s profitability.
Module “TAM Dockers”, planning and activities follow-up
This module assists SAMR in their teams’ planning: it gathers specifics information related to each type of contracts, agents’ availabilities, qualifications and company’s planning constraints for assignments (working hours, authorizations). Dockers can call a voice server to learn about their schedule every day. The module also manages leaves, clock in and out, and all variable wages’ elements. It can automatically transfer these data to their payroll software.
OSCAR + MARCO: the automatic solution!
Stevedores of TGC Terminal manage their port operations with TOS OSCAR since 2004. Combining MARCO with OSCAR allows to automate invoicing and costs accruals calculations, and thus to secure revenues and costs. Furthermore, it provides SAMR and SOMACOM significant time saving opportunities.