That’s it! We are pleased to announce that TGI maritime Software is now certified training organization on the national platform of Datadock training organizations. By being “Datadocké“, it is our training quality that is recognized.

Concretely, what does this certification mean?

This is the guarantee that our professional training processes respect the 21 indicators and 6 quality criteria, namely:

  1. The precise identification of the training objectives and its adaptation to the trained public
  2. Adaptation of reception facilities, educational monitoring and audience evaluation
  3. The adequacy of the technical pedagogical means and supervision of our training offer
  4. The professional qualification and ongoing training of our teams in charge of training
  5. Conditions to inform the public about the training offer, its access times and the results obtained
  6. Inclusion of the assessments made by our trainee clients

What does this change for you?

Although this certification is only recognized on the French market, you have the guarantee that our training process is part of a process of continuous improvement to best meet your requirements and regulations.